5 Ways to cure a Freshers Hangover

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So you’ve just come home from a heavy night drinking at your last freshers event and you’ve just realised that you have a 9am lecture and are fearing the hangover you’re bound to wake up to. We’ve all been there and that’s why I’ve come up with a few ways to avoid or cure your hangover.
First I thought I would go through some of the ways you could avoid a hangover in the first place:
Don’t drink more than your body can cope with and if you’re not sure how much that is then be careful
Don’t drink on an empty stomach – aim to eat carbohydrates before drinking
Dark-coloured drinks have been known to irritate blood vessels which will make your hangover worse
Drink water or any non-fizzy soft drink between drinks to slow down the absorption of alcohol into your system
Drink a pint of water before you sleep and keep water by your bed to drink during the night
If you didn’t manage to do the things I’ve mentioned above and still wake up with the hangover I found a few treatments that could make it a little easier to handle:
Rehydrate yourself! Make sure you’re continuously drinking water and other fluids
Painkillers can help with the headaches and muscle cramps
Sugary food may also help you feel less trembly
Drink Bouillon Soup as it’s made up of a thin vegetable broth and is a good source of vitamins and minerals which may have been depleted
Another quick tip before I finish up would be to avoid the “Hair of the Dog” which is drinking more in the morning as it will only delay the symptoms of the hangover and will usually make them worse. Hope this blog has helped you beat the hangover and helped you get to that 9am lecture. Have fun guys and make sure you drink responsibly